
this er that 2sday

1. Do you prefer silence or do you like background sound (music, TV, etc)? i think it depends...i'm ok with silence most of the time...it doesn't bother me. but background sounds are aight...accept if it's construction and i'm takin a test!!! fackers.
2. Bathe/shower in morning or evening? evening. like i can get up in the morning. ;)
3. Sleeping in complete darkness, or with a nightlight on? DARKNESS. nitelites create shadows.
4. Lay out clothes the night before, or just grab what's closest in the morning? if i got time, i'll pick out, at least mentally, what i'll wear the next day. otherwise, wutever's closest. :D
5. Hang up/fold clothes neatly, or just toss them wherever? uh...when i got time, they'll be folded
6. Work out at a gym, or at home on your own (or do you not bother with exercise)? when i exercise, i do in the privacy of my own home (or that of my friends'). i'm paranoid.
7. Talk on the phone, or via IM/e-mail? i think talking in person is best, phone is next best, then im, then email. but the last 2 are dangerous. u can't tell the tone of how people are saying things, so thing can be taken the wrong way. trust me.
8. Are you usually on time, or late? hahahahaha...mayn, i'm filipino. i'm late. ;)
9. Spendthrift or frugal? frugal. i'm the voice that keeps my family and friends from buying needless things. but i impulse buy occasionally.
10. Thought-Provoking Question of the Week: You work with someone who is not in the habit of bathing regularly. The smell seems to be getting worse and worse! Would you: 1. try to do something about it, or 2. try to grin and bear it? If you said 1, what would you do?
maaaaaaaaaaan...this would depend on how well i knew the person and how close i was to them (as in friends). if i was cool with them, i'd tell them, but of course not in front of anyone. otherwise, i'd do subtle things like bring strong smelling lotions or put air fresheners at my work station. sure that could be a bitchy thing to do, but i'm not one for confrontation.

aight...that's all fer now...p's.