
::random thoughts::
*~the british don't say vitamins as "veye-tuh-mins," rather they say "vih-tuh-mins." hahaha...just thought i'd share.
*~scurvy (the vitamin deficiency) sounds like a word pirates made up...can't u imagine??? "i'ze got scurvy! harharhar!"
*~holla to mah girl carla! hopefully i'll see u in march!!! ;)

::convo of the day::
thara: "waitwaitwait...hold on...let me regroup myself."
fata: "what, like there's a legion of you in there?"

alright, so i've heard of that regrouping self things, but i haven't heard it in a while...so at the moment it made sense for me to say that. :D

fun times guys, fun times. but too bad i wasted my day...i was so tired. my nap turned into wut could be someone's nite of good sleep. :/ i dunno wut's wrong with me, but eh. but i have to wake up in like 5 hrs again, so i'm just gonna keep this one short. i just wanted to share lil random things. hahaha...man i make myself laugh. i luv it!!! hahaha! ;)