

"candy is dandy but liquor is quicker" ...oh willy wonka. my sentiments exactly. i love you.

i might be working...keep you posted.

sometimes, people just suck. even the ones you love. they just suck hard core monkey balls. suckity suck suck.

i'll be a quarter of a century on saturday. sorry if i make you feel older. if it makes you feel any better, we're still the same number of years apart. hahahaha. :D

just do me a favor, and don't lie. all will be good. :)

this one's from melanie...

You are a sock.

You are a cozy, fuzzy, warm-hearted person. A lot of your friends describe you as a hopeless romantic. You fall for the opposite sex very easily. But be careful, because usually you don't know what you are getting into, and because you are very sensitive, you can get hurt... especially in early relationships. Also, don't exclude the cold-hearted from your "want-list", because they just might be looking for a kind person to warm up their heart.... or a sock to warm up their feet.

Most compatible with: Toilet Paper.

Click here -- What Random Object Represents Your Inner Self?

I...am a sock. sweet. i smell. and people step on me. hahahahahaha

i think this was from christine:
I am not: who you think i am
I hurt: just like everyone else
I love: my rabbit :) playin it safe people.
I hate: peas. they are my mortal enemy. buwahahaha
I fear: falling from great heights
I hope: for the best
I see: what's in front of me
I crave: sushi and prime rib
I regret: certain things i won't write here
I cry: more often, but not enough
I care: about my friends and family
I always: brush my teeth??? hahaha ummm...
I long to: find that #1
I feel alone: sometimes
I listen: very well actually
I hide: stuff that's important to me
I drive: my family crazy
I sing: when i'm in the mood
I dance: at the clubs, especially to reggae
I write: in my blog. sometimes. hehe.
I breathe: to live.
I play: video games...and computer games
I miss: my mom
I feel: eh.
I know: what i know. which isn't too much
I say: the darndest things! hahaha
I search: on google
I learn: at a steady rate
I succeed: sometimes
I fail: more often than sometimes
I dream: in color
I sleep: late and too long
I wonder: about alot of things
I want: peace. for myself.
I worry: about my family
I have: what i need
I give: willingly
I fight: when necessary
I wait: patiently. for the most part.
I need: things i don't know i do
I am: who i am
I think: too much sometimes
I can’t: ski
I stay: where my rump rests

mmmm...that's all for now. have a nice day!